Thursday, 17 September 2020

Increase Lead Conversion with Landing Page A/B Testing

 In this article, I am going to talk about how you can improve website conversion rate with landing page A/B testing.

One of the ways we can test two landing pages with similar content and yet different graphic design, layouts, forms, or copy writing. We can make one page A and the other one B and see which one converts better. Especially if you are looking to increase lead conversion.

 It’s an easy way to determine whether the changes you make are worth the time you spent on them. After all, you don’t want to be spending time on a long term project only to find out it’s not having the effect you anticipated.

 And, more importantly, you need to know what’s not working with your landing page A/B testing criterias.

 A/B Testing with AutoOptimize to increase lead conversion

Setting up a landing page A/B test if you want to increase lead conversion is pretty straightforward with AutoOptimize.

First, you identify the elements you want to test, such as the headline, subheadline, image, button, video, etc.

Then AutoOptimize suggests experiments you can test on your page that will help you improve website conversion rate.

The next step is to configure these experiments and then press start. It takes about 15-20 mins.

Because we are testing the conversion rate, we need to make sure the analytics to track conversions on each page are set up.

The great thing with AutoOptimize is that you don’t really need to do anything other than adding the tracking codes to your page.

Once the setup is complete, start sending traffic and you will easily be able to see if AutoOptimize was able to improve website conversion rate by taking a look at your results dashboard. 

The results dashboard will show you each experiment you set up, and also if it was able to increase your lead conversion. It’ll show you exactly how many leads you got from each of the experiments.

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Increase Lead Conversion with Landing Page A/B Testing

 In this article, I am going to talk about how you can improve website conversion rate with landing page A/B testing . One of the ways we ca...