Thursday, 17 September 2020

Increase Lead Conversion with Landing Page A/B Testing

 In this article, I am going to talk about how you can improve website conversion rate with landing page A/B testing.

One of the ways we can test two landing pages with similar content and yet different graphic design, layouts, forms, or copy writing. We can make one page A and the other one B and see which one converts better. Especially if you are looking to increase lead conversion.

 It’s an easy way to determine whether the changes you make are worth the time you spent on them. After all, you don’t want to be spending time on a long term project only to find out it’s not having the effect you anticipated.

 And, more importantly, you need to know what’s not working with your landing page A/B testing criterias.

 A/B Testing with AutoOptimize to increase lead conversion

Setting up a landing page A/B test if you want to increase lead conversion is pretty straightforward with AutoOptimize.

First, you identify the elements you want to test, such as the headline, subheadline, image, button, video, etc.

Then AutoOptimize suggests experiments you can test on your page that will help you improve website conversion rate.

The next step is to configure these experiments and then press start. It takes about 15-20 mins.

Because we are testing the conversion rate, we need to make sure the analytics to track conversions on each page are set up.

The great thing with AutoOptimize is that you don’t really need to do anything other than adding the tracking codes to your page.

Once the setup is complete, start sending traffic and you will easily be able to see if AutoOptimize was able to improve website conversion rate by taking a look at your results dashboard. 

The results dashboard will show you each experiment you set up, and also if it was able to increase your lead conversion. It’ll show you exactly how many leads you got from each of the experiments.

Friday, 11 September 2020

Increase B2B Website Conversions Using a AI Conversion Rate Optimization Tool

The main purpose of website A/B testing is to determine which variation of an element (such as a headline, call-to-action, or image) performs better.

To increase B2B website conversions, you can use a AI conversion rate optimization tool.

With the AI conversion rate optimization tool, you will be able to start website A/B testing the following:

Adding a new element to an existing page.

Adding a new element to multiple pages.

Testing the effectiveness of new web design elements; for example, new navigation menus, new site colors, or new header images.

Testing new or existing elements to determine which performs best across different devices and browsers.

Testing the effectiveness of new or existing elements on different traffic sources, for example, monitoring how well a new or existing element performs on organic search traffic or on referral traffic from social media.

Website A/B testing can also be used for:

Confirming that a new or existing element performs just as well as the original (when you're not sure if you want to implement it yet).

Determining which variation of the element performs better without implementing it yet (for example, you might want to perform A/B tests with a new headline to monitor how well it performs, and then decide whether to implement it or not).

Identifying which elements perform better in different scenarios (for example, a different headline may perform better on your site's home page versus a product page).

Identifying which variations of a single element perform better than others (for example, you may want to test different calls to action).

Identifying whether a new or existing element performs better in different browsers or on different devices can also be determined with a website A/B testing tool.

Identifying whether a new or existing element performs better at different times during the day (for example, if you want to find out whether your site performs better during the morning or afternoon).

Creating a new element that performs as well as the original (for example, if you need to create a new version of a headline or an ad for use later).

As you can see from the above, there are a lot of elements you can test with an AI conversion rate optimization tool.

A really good AI A/B testing tool is the AutoOptimize tool.

The great thing about the AutoOptimize tool is it works great to increase B2B website conversions.


Thursday, 3 September 2020

Improve user experience and conversions with A/B testing tools

 As a business owner, improving your website’s user experience and conversions is the ultimate goal. In this article, I will talk about how you can do that by using A/B testing tools.

 When you improve user experience, it can increase your website conversion rate. Which then leads to better search engine optimization and higher traffic from search engines.

 It’s weird but true.

 1. Website Design

 The first step in improving your website user experience and conversions is to optimize the design.

 The design is one of the most important aspects in the user experience, after all, it is the first thing a visitor sees.

 Your website design can improve your user experience in multiple ways:

 Having a friendly design can help visitors feel comfortable and trust your brand, which can increase your website conversion rates

 It can make your website easy to navigate, which can lead to higher traffic

 It can show you are an authority on the topic, which can lead to higher traffic from search engines

 It can improve the quality of your content, which can lead to higher traffic from social media

 By designing a great website, you are building the foundation of your online presence.

 The design can make or break your website and your business.

 Remember that a design is not just about looks, it is also about the user experience.

 There are plenty of free website templates and tools that you can use to build your website.

 I will give you some practical tips that you can use to make your website design better, improve user experience and conversions.

 2. Make it Mobile Friendly

 Mobile friendly websites are easier to navigate and the website content is easier to read.

 Research shows that people spend more time on a mobile device than on a computer.

 Mobile devices are the future of the web, which is why your website should be mobile friendly.

 Having a mobile friendly website will increase your website conversion rates for mobile users because it will be easier to navigate.

  3. Use High-Quality Images

 High quality images can improve your website user experience, increase your website conversions and give you a competitive advantage.

 You should always use high-quality images on your website. However, make sure that they are compressed so they do not take a very long time to load.

 You can use free tools like Canva to create high-quality images for your content.

 And I recommend using one of the A/B testing tools like AutoOptimize to see if that particular image helps you increase your website conversion rates.

 Images are very important in the user experience.

 People like to see images on a website to help them understand the information better.

 Images also have the ability to catch the attention of visitors and make them stay longer on your website.


 Improving your website user experience and conversions can be done through having a nice website design, making your website friendly and using high quality images. 

 To test which images will work better for your website visitors, you can use an A/B testing tool. With a tool like AutoOptimize, you can easily setup multiple A/B tests and automate the process.


Increase Lead Conversion with Landing Page A/B Testing

 In this article, I am going to talk about how you can improve website conversion rate with landing page A/B testing . One of the ways we ca...